Join the Community!
Preparation for the Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale starts many months in advance, but the real fun takes place during the 5 days prior to the Sale. During these 5 days at Kamiakin Middle School an incredible transformation takes place! And it’s all possible with the help of hundreds of volunteers — community members just like you.
How it Works
The first thing we do is spend three days positioning equipment and donations at Kamiakin Middle School and moving Rotary-owned equipment to 34 Departments located at the school, inside and out.
During the Week; Donation Drop-Off window (July 8 - 12), volunteers and Rotarians work together to:
Receive item donations from the public, help unload their cars, and thank them for their tremendous support.
Sort items and move them to Department locations around the campus. Lots of walking!
Clean, test, display, and price everything for Sale Day. There’s plenty going on during this time, most importantly teamwork, camaraderie, and fun!
Volunteers work between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and between 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Thursday and Friday of Set-Up Week when the campus is open.
We ask that you let us know you are coming. If you don't just check in at the Volunteer Desk located outside at the northwest corner of the Kamiakin gym.
Department managers will show you tasks needing to be done. Pick a Department and a job you think you will enjoy the most.
We serve lunch and snacks to all volunteers during Set-Up Week when the campus is open — a good chance to rest and visit with friends.
Interested in buying something you see? After six hours of volunteer service, you can make purchases in advance of the Sale.
Sale day July 13 (6 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Rotarians truly honor the joyous spirit and goodwill of community volunteers who so generously donate
their time and talent.
The Great Kirkland Rotary Rummage Sale is a community unto itself. Come experience the magic!
Teen Volunteers
Working at the Rotary Rummage Sale is an excellent way to earn Community Service hours. Teen volunteers check in and out at the Teen Desk in the volunteer tent each day of volunteering. This record of your work can be used to verify your Community Service hours.
Volunteer Celebration Picnic
After the Rummage Sale, we host a Volunteer Celebration Picnic at a Kirkland park. Enjoy good food, share your favorite stories about the event, and celebrate the first official results of our event’s fundraising. Join us for all the post-event fun! Make sure we have your contact information so you can receive the picnic invitation.
Email us at:
Volunteer Open House
Want to explore how you can have fun while serving your community at the Kirkland Rotary Rummage Sale? Come to the Kamiakin Middle School on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Department managers will answer questions and take sign-ups. Appetizers are served, and there’s always lots of socializing!